Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Get paid by posting in a Forum

For those who loves to write and post in Forums, why not make money while you are at it. It's not much but it's still money! You get paid a few cents for every postings on the forum. Cash out is monthly. Make money by posting in forums.

It's like a Home Business that can make money while you post in the forum. One of the money maker tips. Making Money online and posting in the forum is one of the best way to start you off to discover the success of online wealth by seeing that you get paid.
Not only that, but you'll get tips and tutorials on what makes money, where to make money, how to make money from the internet, and how to generate long lasting income residual in the money making Forum.

For more info, please sign up by clicking the banner below. Free registration.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Discover the ONLY Marketing System that Automatically Sells Itself!!!

Here is a 18 year old "brick and motar" business that is now using the internet to generate passive/residule income for you. The best home business i've ever seen.
I used to spend countless hours marketing my product ideas on the internet to make money. Now I spend less than 60 minutes per day because my Automated Marketing System does it all for me! All i have to do is just send emails out. That's it!!!No cold calls, no follow ups,no need to face rejections and no need to waste money on transportation,time, shipping cost, domain registration yahoo and domain name yahoo.Everything is fully automated for you to easily make maoney!!!Making money has never been easier! Best investment i've ever made.

With very minimal investment of your time and money, it helps to generate for you every month a 5-figure passive income stream: US$ 10,000, 20,000 or 50,000 or more.....Make money while you sleep or have time to do what you love most.

Wherever you are, you can build your business connections worldwide to 135 countries with ease and speed, backed up by an 18 years old, rock-solid, brick and mortar business entity with more than 100 years combined management expertise.

- A revolutionary business model - immune to the 90% failure rate of home businesses
- A legitimate spare-time business working from home
- No Money out of pocket cause of Credit Card 30 days payment(by then you have made back your investment)
- Pays out thousands in extra cash-flow, while you live your life as you please
- The ultimate solution to your "Not Enough Time & Money" problems
- You'll be given your very own web salespage with your own personalised name like mine.

So far this is one of the best online money and automated home business that has worked very well for me!! Wishing you all the best on making money!


Monday, July 03, 2006

Haitus's been a while since i've updated this blog. Been busy with some offline work and investment deals to make more money. Been a very sad time for me as i have had some problems that needed solving hence the haitus from bloging. I have also been busy reading to better myself. I found some quotes which i would like to share with everyone and hope it'll help you as it helped me.

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but it is too low and we reach it."- Michelangelo

"You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."- Napoleon Hill, Best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich

"Life is like a combination lock, your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have anything you want."- Brian Tracy, one of America’s leading authorities on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."- Mark Twain

Below are the quotes that really helped me when i was down a few months back:

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.-Helen Keller

"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself."- Jim Rohn, America’s foremost business philosopher

"99% of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses."- George Washington Carver, Chemist who discovered over 325 uses for the peanut

If you want something you never had, do something you have never done.
"Don't go the way life takes you.
Take the life the way you go
and remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born".

The road to success starts with....YOURSELF!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Autosurf, HYIPs, Matrix and more.

HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO EARN MONEY with Autosurf, HYIPs, Matrix, Money Doublers and more.

Imagine for a moment that in spite of everything you've heard about making money online, I found a way to earn a fantastic income online: -no trading-no products-no selling-no buying-JUST EARNING % daily on your investment.
Discover HOW you can SET UP your very own low-cost, high-profit Internet Investment within the next few days - even if you've never set one up before, and you have absolutely no knowledge on internet investment skills! I will show you how to Make Money daily!

This is HIGH RISK INVESTMENT WITH HIGH RETURNS!! If you don't know what you are doing, please ask me. Do not go into it if you are new in this high risk online money making programs industry!

But First, Here's What You Need To Do

Step 1. The first thing you need to do is to sign up for FREE Egold account, which is the most commonly used e-currency among GPT(Get Paid To) Programs. Without an Egold account, you will not be able to fund your investments.

Step 2. Now that you have a FREE Egold account, you will have to fund your account with gold in order to be able to make and recieve payments. Listed below are the three options to do it.

Option One: You need to use an Exchange Service which will convert your money into E-Gold. I recommend the following Exchange Services: , AsianaGold - BUY or SELL e-gold tru' a Malaysian bank (Hong Leong) or any other local banks. Buy e-gold INTGold with Cash Bank Trasfer or Bank Wire

Option Two: Using Credit Card Buy e-gold INTGold with Cash Bank Trasfer or Bank Wire

Option Three: Buy & Sell tru' trusted friends. This option is for those of you who have really good friends that have E-Gold to sell to you via local online bank trasfer or cashing it into thier local bank account. The current exchange rate for option three is US1 = RM4 or less, which is much faster than any transaction by banks, exchangers and credit card.

Step 3.

Mail me or post a question for more information on what step three is and i will mail you the answer.

Thank You

Disclaimer: I'm NOT in ANYWAY am resposible for any losses and/or claims by anyone who reads this blog and follow the advices given. It is solely at your own risk if you follow the advices, tips, speculations or anything that is found on this blog. I am NOT in any way affiliated to any programs and/or businesses in my blog.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

How much is your time worth?!

Any of you ever thought what is your time is worth? How much money are you making?The lawyers, doctors, professionals know what thier time is worth,do you? Are you making money by the minute? Making money by the hour? Don't waste time and start utilising your time and make money by the minute!

Here is a chart to help you not to waste any more time. Every minute counts. Make money by the minute if you can. Speed and Leverage is very important! Find out how much you are worth and how you can make more money. Start having a goal and a vision to make money now.

Start your goal and vision with this:
  1. Step 1 - Turn your Yearly income into your Quarterly income.
  2. Step 2 - Turn your Quarterly income into your Monthly income.
  3. Step 3 - Turn your Monthly income into your Weekly income.
  4. Step 4 - Turn your Weekly income into your Daily income.
  5. Step 5 - Turn your Daily income into your Hourly income.
Always complete a step first before you move on to the next step. Focus and perserverance is the key to make more money! Good luck on your quest towards making more money online or offline.

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